Add a twitter share link to a gatsby blog

August 13, 2018

To add a twitter share link, you can use the link format outlined here:

For me, this meant formatting the link with the url, title, and my twitter handle:

// Shortened for brevity
const BlogTemplate({data}) => (
  <a href={formatShareLink(data)}>Tweet this post</a>

const formatShareLink = data => {
  let slug = get(data, 'blog.slug')
  let url = `${slug}`
  let text = get(data, 'blog.title')
  let via = `danbruder`
  return `${url}&text=${text}&via=${via}`

export const pageQuery = graphql`
  query BlogQuery($slug: String) {
    blog: contentfulPost(slug: { eq: $slug }) {

Make sure your pageQuery includes the needed data (title, slug):

// Shortened for brevity
const BlogTemplate({data}) => (
  <a href={formatShareLink(data)}>Tweet this post</a>

const formatShareLink = data => {
  let slug = get(data, 'blog.slug')
  let url = `${slug}`
  let text = get(data, 'blog.title')
  let via = `danbruder`
  return `${url}&text=${text}&via=${via}`

export const pageQuery = graphql`
  query BlogQuery($slug: String) {
    blog: contentfulPost(slug: { eq: $slug }) {

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