ssl connect: Invalid TLS option: {server_name_indication:...

July 8, 2023

Following this guide from on setting up Ecto with Neon I ran into this error:

09:11:48.565 [error] Postgrex.Protocol (#PID<0.435.0>) failed to connect: ** (DBConnection.ConnectionError) ssl connect: Invalid TLS option: {server_name_indication,
                        <<"[my neon db host]">>} - {:options, {:server_name_indication, "[my neon db host]"}}

This was after using their recommended Ecto configuration:

config :friends, Friends.Repo,
  database: "friends",
  username: "<user>",
  password: "<password>",
  hostname: "",
  ssl: true,
  ssl_opts: [
    server_name_indication: '',
    verify: :verify_none


server_name_indication is a char list, not a string! The single quotes are important! I had been passing in a string from an environment variable like this:

config :danos, Danos.Repo,
  ssl: true,
  ssl_opts: [
    server_name_indication: System.get_env("DATABASE_HOST"),
    verify: :verify_none

To make it a char list:

config :danos, Danos.Repo,
  ssl: true,
  ssl_opts: [
    server_name_indication: to_char_list(System.get_env("DATABASE_HOST")),
    verify: :verify_none

And voila, it works!

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